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Lucas Picolé, Mano Queixo e Isabelly Aurora. — Foto: Reprodução/Redes Sociais

Influencer acusado de fraude em venda de rifas terá prisão preventiva mantida no AM

Influencer “Lucas Picolé” will not be released from jail despite the court’s decision to grant him temporary freedom in the fraud investigation regarding the sale of raffle tickets online in Manaus. The 24-year-old, whose real name is João Lucas da Silva Alves, remains under arrest due to his involvement in another case concerning drug trafficking.

Last Friday, the 4th Criminal Court of Manaus ordered Lucas Picolé’s release, as well as revoked the house arrest of fellow influencer Isabelly Aurora Simplício Souza. However, Enzo Felipe da Silva Oliveira, also known as “Mano queixo,” who is implicated in the scheme, remains behind bars.

In addition to the ongoing investigation into the online raffle fraud, Lucas Picolé and Mano Queixo are facing charges of drug trafficking in the state court. They have already been indicted by the Amazonas Public Prosecutor’s Office for trafficking, association with drug trafficking, and illegal possession of firearms, becoming official defendants in the case.

Unfortunately for Lucas Picolé, the court denied his temporary release in this drug-related case. Therefore, despite being granted temporary freedom in the raffle fraud case, he will remain in custody within the Amazonas prison system.

“He continues to be held on drug trafficking charges, but we are confident he will be proven innocent. As the proceedings are strictly confidential, we cannot disclose much information,” stated Vilson Benayon, the influencer’s lawyer.

Fonte: https://g1.globo.com/am/amazonas/noticia/2023/10/21/influencer-envolvido-em-fraude-de-venda-de-rifas-nao-podera-deixar-cadeia-no-am.ghtml

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